Bahar (On the Mountain)

Torah Portion: Bahar (On the Mountain)

Torah Reading: Leviticus 25:1-26:2

Prophetic Reading: Jeremiah 32:6-27

“The Land of Israel is Important to HaShem”

It is safe to say that the primary subject of Parashat Behar is the Land of Israel. Several commandments are spoken of concerning the Land. A simple conclusion that can be reached from this week’s Torah reading is that the Land is important to HaShem. When
Israel dwells in the Land and recognizes how God wants us to treat and utilize this Land, He will bless Israel with many wonderful results. One such result is that the Jewish people will dwell in Israel securely (See Leviticus 25:18).

What are the implications of this? Instead of Israel engaging in political discussions about giving land away to those who want to destroy them and the modern State of Israel, Israeli leaders should focus on the Biblical commandments concerning the Land
and rely on HaShem to deal with their enemies. By the way, if any of you are under the misguided impression that the Palestinians are interested in peace, then you should look closely to how many official Palestinian organizations depict a Palestinian state
(on their logos, maps and flags), which claims all of Israel as its borders and not the pre-1967 allotment of land west of the Jordan River (that Jordan controlled) and the Gaza Strip. 

In other words, the goal and intent of the Palestinians is not a portion of the Land, but all of it; thereby eradicating the State of Israel all together.

Dr. Baruch Korman – May 22nd, 2024  


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