CHAPTER 2 | Verses 1 - 3

The only way to avoid God’s judgment is through receiving the gospel message – that invitation to salvation – Messiah Yeshua. God’s vengeance and judgment is not only an Old Testament concept. Prophetically, in the Old Testament, His judgment is seen as a last day
event. In the New Testament we are taught that God the Father has given all judgment to Yeshua (John 5:22-24, Revelation 6:16-17). The wrath of Yeshua is going to bring about destruction on this earth. 

However, this destruction is going to give birth to the establishment of God’s Kingdom! It is God’s judgment that makes visible His righteousness. This chapter in Isaiah begins with a prophetic revelation concerning the Millennial Kingdom – a period of 1000 years when Messiah reigns on this earth (Revelation 20:1-6). It is after this period of time that the New Jerusalem will be established (Revelation 21:1-5).

Verse 1: “The word which Isaiah the son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem.” 

Word which Isaiah…saw: This was not a word that he heard, but it was something which he saw – another vision.

Judah and Jerusalem: In Isaiah’s day there was the division of the monarchy into two kingdoms – the North (referred to as ‘Israel’ – and consisting of nine and a half tribes. This Northern kingdom went into captivity earlier than the Southern kingdom did), and the South
(referred to as ‘Judah’ and consisting of the tribes of Judah, Benjamin and half of the tribe of Levi).

Verse 2: “And it will come about in the last days that the mountain of the house of the Lord will be established on the top of the mountains and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it.”

It will come about: This should be understood as revealing a promise from God. He has said this will happen so it will happen.

The last days: When we see this phrase, ‘the last days’, Daniel’s final week, his 70th week, should come into our minds (Daniel 9:25-27).

Mountain: Mountain, prophetically, speaks of a government/kingdom – Daniel 2:44-45.

When Messiah returns to Jerusalem (Zechariah 14:3-9) He is going to set up the government of God in this world (Revelation 19:15). This government will be in effect on this current earth for 1000 years, when Messiah and His saints (those, in our dispensation, who have
accepted Yeshua) will rule – Revelation 2:26-27; Revelation 5:10; Revelation 21:4

House of the Lord: Referring to the temple. There will be a correctly functioning temple in Jerusalem at this time.

Be exalted above the hills: This means that the government (Messiah’s government) that will be functioning out of Jerusalem at this time will be the main or chief government. There will be other governments (‘hills’), but they will be in submission to this government
(‘mountain’). Jerusalem is going to be the place of God’s Authority. His authority will be manifested and maintained from Jerusalem because Messiah will be ruling there.

Nations: Gentiles

Flow: Stream. People from the nations will stream to Jerusalem to worship God, submit to Him and to be faithful to Him.

Verse 3: “Many peoples shall come and say, ‘Come let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; He will teach us from His ways, and we shall walk in His paths.’ For from Zion the law shall go forth, from Jerusalem the Word of the Lord.”

Many peoples: Referring to those in the nations.

Mountain: Government

Jacob: The name ‘Jacob’ has great significance. In English we have been taught that it means ‘deceiver’ or ‘supplanter’, ‘one who behaves incorrectly’. However, in Hebrew this is not the understanding of the name Jacob. In Hebrew this is a word that means to follow after, to
pursue (eg a reward) relentlessly/without giving up – taking hold of something and not letting go until the desired outcome has been achieved. This is confirmed in Jacob’s behaviour – Genesis 25:26, Genesis 32:24-31. Jacob is an example of how we need to whole-heartedly pursue the Lord. God rewards those who pursue His purposes and will like Jacob did. That is why God said of Jacob: “Jacob I have loved” (Malachi 1:2). Jacob was a man who followed hard after the will and purposes of God.

Zion: Jerusalem in its redemptive state – ie after Messiah returns.

The law… the Word: Another example of parallelism. This teaches us that there is a relationship between the Word of the Lord and the law. The law does not save us, but it defines what is right and what is wrong, what is righteousness and unrighteousness. The
constitution in Messiah’s government will be His law.

Jerusalem: Jerusalem is important – not only in the past but also in the future. It is going to be God’s capital city when Yeshua reigns on earth for those 1000 years.


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