CHAPTER 2 | Verses 8 - 17

Verse 8: “You have filled this land with idols, you bow down to that which your hands have made, that which your fingers have formed.”

Verse 9: “A man will bow down, a man will humble himself, therefore do not forgive them.”

A man will bow down: Referring to idolatry.

Humble himself: They are not bowing down to God but are humbling themselves before idols.

Do not forgive them: This is a call from God for their punishment or judgment.


Verse 10: “Go into the rock, hide yourself in the dirt, because of the terror of the Lord, because of the glory of His majesty.”

Go into: Hide themselves.

Terror: This is not referring to the fear that results in the respect, honouring or reverence of the Lord. This is speaking of a negative kind of fear – being terrified. God, knowing all things, is acquainted with their sinfulness and He’s going to move against them.

Verse 11: “The haughty eyes of man He is going to humble. The people who exalt themselves are going to bow down and be humbled. The Lord alone shall be lifted up on that day.”

Haughty eyes: Eyes that are prideful.

That day: The phrase used in Hebrew is a phrase that is used to reference the Day of the Lord, the day of judgment. Israel is going to go through her greatest suffering during this time.


Verse 12: “For the day of the Lord of Hosts concerning all those who are proud and exalted, concerning all who have lifted themselves up, they are going to be made low.”


Verse 13: “Concerning every cedar of Lebanon who has exalted and lifted themselves up, concerning every tree of Bashan.”

Every cedar…every tree: Referring to the trees whose wood was frequently used to make idols. God is going to deal with, and bring low, everything related to idolatry, everything which exists to exalt itself or is established in pride.


Verse 14: “Concerning all the mountains that have exalted themselves, concerning every hill that is lifted up.”

Mountains: Mountains were also a place of idolatry.


Verse 15: “Concerning every high tower and concerning a wall that is a fortress.”

High tower … a wall that is a fortress: God is going to move against everything that personifies power and earthly splendour.


Verse 16: “Upon all the ships of Tarshish, and upon all the beautiful sloops.”

Ships of Tarshish: Tarshish was known for sea transportation. Their ships transported many possessions and great wealth.

Upon all the beautiful sloops: God is going to bring down and judge all the human wealth and splendour.


Verse 17: “The high-minded man will be made low; those who exalt themselves are going to be made low. On that day it will be the Lord alone who is lifted up.”

Made low: Philippians 2:10-11

On that day: On the day of judgment

The Lord alone … is lifted up: The judgment of God ultimately manifests God’s glory.


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