CHAPTER 3 | Verses 21 - 26

Verse 21: “The rings and the nose rings.”

Rings: Referring to finger and toe rings.

Verse 22: “The festival garments, and the mantles, the outer garments and the purses.”

Note: In this verse we move away from ornamentation, jewely, and focus on the clothes themselves. There are many things that we latch onto in life – shoes, bags, etc Even these things we need to bring captive into the obedience of Messiah. We should not use our
things for self-exaltation, but we need to use everything we have to glorify God.

Festival garments: This was a garment that related to the redemption, the freedom, the release that God had given the Israelites from the bondage of sin. These garments were not being used for the purpose of praising, thanking or worshipping God. They were being used by the women for their own purposes and desires.

Verse 23: “And the mirrors, and fine linen, the turbans and the robes.”

Verse 24: “And so it shall be that instead of a sweet smell there will be a stench, instead of a sash there will be a rope. Instead of well-groomed hair there will be baldness; instead of a fine coat there is going to be sackcloth, and branding instead of beauty.”

Note: The measure that we use will be measured back to us. When we walk in obedience God blesses us. When we walk in disobedience (and disobedience is always rooted in selfishness) God removes from us and judges us.

Stench: A word in modern Hebrew that is related to gangrene.

Sash: Belt. Some of the commentators point out that this speaks of poverty.

Baldness: In this context, baldness speaks of shame.

Branding: Branding speaks about ownership. Branding produces scars that are very difficult, if not nearly impossible, to get rid of.

Verse 25: “Your young men will fall by the sword; your mighty men will fall in the war.”

Note: This verse foreshadows war and the exile to follow it.

Mighty men: Heroes.

Verse 26: “Her gates shall lament and mourn, and she will be desolate and will sit on the ground.”

Her: Referring to Jerusalem.

Desolate: Made empty.


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