CHAPTER 8 | Verses 11 - 17

Verse 11: “For thus says the Lord unto me, with the strength of hand He instructed me that I should not walk in the way of this people saying;”

Strength of hand…instructed: God gives power (power to be faithful etc), and that power comes through His instruction. It is only when we submit to the instructions of God that we will be recipients of His power.

Should not walk in the way of this people: We should walk in the way that God has instructed us to walk. Most often this is not in the way that everyone else goes. He instructs us through His Word and through the leadership of the Holy Spirit.


Verse 12: “Do not say, ‘A confederacy’, for all the people will say a confederacy this is. Do not fear their threats nor be troubled.”

Confederacy: An alliance. The people did not want to trust God, but they wanted to look to other nations (Egypt etc) to join with them and help them, fight for them etc. God did not want His people to even talk about enlisting the help of foreign nations.

Do not fear their threats: They do not need to be afraid – they can have confidence in God.


Verse 13: “The Lord of hosts Him you shall sanctify. He is your fear and your dread.”

Him you shall sanctify: Sanctification involves purpose. The way that we fear God and sanctify His name is by being committed to His purposes and participating in His will.

He is your fear and your dread: We need to give God priority.


Verse 14: “And He shall become a sanctuary, or a stone of stumbling or a rock of offense to both the houses of Israel, as a trap and a snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem.”

A sanctuary, or a stone: If we trust God and make Him our priority, He will be a sanctuary, a place of refuge and protection, for us. However, if we reject Him or are disobedient, He becomes like a stone/rock which can bring harm to us and cause us pain.

Both the houses of Israel: Referring to both Judah and Israel (all of Israel – Northern and Southern kingdoms).


Verse 15: “And many among them shall stumble; they shall fall and be broken, be ensnared and captured.”

Many: Although there has always been a remnant of faithful people in Israel, the majority did not trust God, did not believe His Word and did not respond to Him in faith.

Verse 16: “Bind up the certificate, seal the law among My disciples.”

Bind up: Hold on to it. Take it seriously. We need to base our lives on the promises of God.

Certificate: A witness or a testimony – something that is certified by God.

Disciples: Those who have walked with Him and learned from Him.


Verse 17: “I will wait for the Lord – the One who has hidden His face from the house of Jacob. I will hope in Him.

The One who has hidden His face: Even though we cannot see God we need to have faith in Him, trusting and hoping in the prophetic promises of God.


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