CHAPTER 1 | Verses 1-8

Verse 1: “The Apostles and the Brethren, the ones being down in Judea, heard that also the Gentiles had received the Word of God.”

Being down in Judea: In Hebraic terminology going to Jerusalem is referred to as ‘up to Jerusalem’. Those leaving Jerusalem, or those in Jerusalem who speak of another location, refer to the other places as ‘going down’.

Verse 2: “When Peter went up into Jerusalem he contended with them, those of the circumcision.”

Contended with them: Peter spoke against the view held by the Judaizers (see comment below)

Those of the circumcision: The Judaizers. They held to a doctrine that the gospel was only for Jewish people. They also believed that a man had to be converted, become a Jew by being circumcised, before Yeshua’ s message and work could have a saving effect in his life. They believed that if a man were not a Jew outwardly then he could not be saved inwardly.

Verse 3: “They were saying, ‘There was a man who entered in and ate with those of the uncircumcised.”

They: Those of the circumcision group

He entered in and ate with Gentiles: There is a difference between Biblical law and rabbinical law (the traditions of the elders). Nothing in the Word of God prohibits a Jewish person from going into a Gentile home and eating together. In the rabbinical law it was seen as forbidden, a violation. The rabbi’s believed that their law agreed with the law of Moses. However, it did not. Yeshua himself did not agree with their laws (Matthew 15v1-9).

The oral tradition (Mishnah and Gemara) does not assist us in following the law of Moses, but the Holy Spirit and Word of God will.

The circumcision group was saying that it was wrong for Peter to have done what he did. 


Verse 4: “Peter began to set them in order saying,”


Verse 5: “I was in the city of Jaffa praying, and I saw in a trance a vision of a certain vessel coming down as a large garment having four corners. It was being let down by these four corners from heaven, and it came unto me.”

Garment having four corners: See comment in chapter 10v11


Verse 6: “At which I looked very intently to discern; and saw four legged creatures of the earth, even the beasts and also creepy things and also the birds of the heaven.”

Looked very intently to discern: These two words, put together, inform us that Peter saw great significance in this vision and paid great attention to it.

Creatures: See comment in chapter 10v12


Verse 7: “I heard the voice saying to me, ‘Rise up Peter! Slaughter and eat.’”

Rise up: This is a call to service, to get up and do something for God.

Slaughter: See comment in chapter 10v13.


Verse 8: “And I said, ‘Never (absolutely not) L-rd! Nothing common or unclean has ever entered into my mouth.”

Common or unclean: See comment in chapter 10v14

Peter was given a task to take the gospel to the Gentiles. He did that, and now we see him in Jerusalem explaining why he went into the home of a Gentile and ate with them. The issue that this text is speaking into is whether Gentiles should be seen as common and unclean


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