CHAPTER 13 | Verses 1-9

Verse 1: “There were certain ones in Antioch being in the congregation, prophets and teachers. Barnabas, Simeon (the ones who is called Niger), Lucius (from Cyrene), Manaen (who was raised up with Herod, who was the Tetrarch) and Saul.”

Congregation: The word used for congregation (ecclesia) has to do with those people who have received a calling to ‘come out‘ of this world in their conduct, way of thinking etc.

Prophets: Those who receive God’s revelation and speak it out. A true prophecy is always based on the Word of God, agreeing with Scripture.

Teachers: Those who took God’s revelation from the prophets and taught it, giving a human application to it.

The Tetrarch: A ruler (governor) over a quarter of a region.

Verse 2: “They were worshiping the L-rd and fasting and the Holy Spirit said, ‘Set apart to me Barnabas and Saul for all the work which I am calling them.’”

Fasting: In the early congregation fasting was a great part of their worship experience. They fasted in order to be ready to worship God.
Set apart: To make a distinction.


Verse 3: They fasted and prayed, and they set hands upon them and released them.”

Note: These two men were very integral in this congregation. They were released from this congregation, based upon the Holy Spirit’s instruction, that they might do the work that the Holy Spirit had called them to do.


Verse 4: “Therefore they were sent forth by the Holy Spirit and they went down to Seleucia and they sailed on to Cyprus.”


Verse 5: “Coming into Salamis they proclaimed the Word of the L-rd in the synagogues of the Jews. And they had John as a helper.”

Salamis: This is still a city in Cyprus today.

Proclaimed the Word of the L-rd: The Word of the L-rd going forth is foundational. Barnabas and Saul had heard the Word of God – prophetic revelation was also taught to them in a way that they could understand it, apply it, and therefore share it with others.

Synagogues: This is not a Hebrew word, it is Greek, and it means ‘A gathering place’. Like a community centre. Barnabas and Saul went specifically, with intent, to these gathering places in Jewish communities – in order to share to the Jewish people first (Romans 1v16).


Verse 6: “Passing through the island unto Paphos they found a certain Jewish magician, a false prophet, and his name was Bar-Jesus,”

Magician: This word is uniquely tied to idolatry. Idolatry is not always the worship of other gods. Other gods just camouflage the real purpose – and that is to exalt oneself.

A false prophet: What this man was doing was steeped in falsehood, lies. A false prophet stands in opposition to the Word of God.

Bar-Jesus: Literally means ‘Son of Salvation’.


Verse 7: “Who was with an individual who was a proconsul, Sergius Paulus, an intelligent man. He called to Barnabas and Saul, seeking to hear the Word of God.”

Proconsul: A proconsul is an advisor to Caesar. He is usually appointed by the Roman Senate as a high official.

Intelligent: Wise

He called to Barnabas and Saul: When Barnabas and Saul came upon the scene, teaching the Word of God he walked away from falsehood. He saw something better -he could discern a most excellent way.


Verse 8: “Elymas the magician (for thus is the translation of his name) stood against them. He was seeking to turn this proconsul from the faith.”

Elymas THE magician: This was probably not his given name, but it was the name that he gave himself in an attempt to exalt himself above others who practiced that same deceit.


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