CHAPTER 13 | Verses 13-19

Verse 13: “The ones around Paul sailed from Paphos and they came into Perga of Pamphylia. John departed from them and returned to Jerusalem.”

Ones around Paul: Paul is there as well, but the emphasis is on those who are travelling with him.

Perga of Pamphylia: In Asia Minor.


Verse 14: “But Paul and Barnabas travelled inland to Antioch of Pisidia. On the Sabbath they went to the synagogue for the services.”

Verse 15: “After the reading of the Law and the Prophets the leaders of the synagogue said to them, ‘Men and brethren, if there is a word in you, a word of comfort (or exhortation), for the people – speak on.”

Them: To Paul and those who were with him.

A word in you: An encouraging word or a word of comfort that God has given to them to speak.

This is not a word to make the people feel good about themselves, but is a word to exhort them to the truth of God. The leaders want the people to discern and respond to God’s revelation regarding what had just been read.


Verse 16: “Paul, rising up, motioned down with his hand, and said, ‘Men of Israel and the ones fearing God, listen!’”

Motioned down with his hand: Paul was a very well-known Jewish individual because of his stature, within Judaism, as a Pharisee. These people were likely welcoming him, and were presumably excited to hear what he was going to say.

Men of Israel: Those who are descendants of Jacob.

The ones fearing God: These were Non-Jews. Gentiles who feared God.

Note: In those days, a synagogue was a gathering place for both Jew and Gentile.

Listen: We need to listen and hear in order to be able to respond in obedience.


Verse 17: “The God of this people, Israel, He has chosen our fathers; and this people He exalted in the sojourning in the land of Egypt. And with an uplifted (exalted) arm He brought them out of it.”

Chosen: God chose them by means of a covenant.

Our fathers: The fathers are associated with promise.

Exalted: (Same word as uplifted) He lifted them up for the purpose of making a distinction between them and others. He lifted up the people and He lifted up His arm – this teaches us about the close relationship/the unity that God wanted to establish, by a covenant, between Himself and His people.

It: Egypt. The exodus from Egypt is a paradigm, giving us a picture of redemption.

Note: Paul is showing God’s work among his people in order to bring them to the spiritual location whereby they can receive the promises of God. We will never receive the promises of God outside of a personal relationship with Messiah Yeshua.


Verse 18: “About 40 years He suffered them in the wilderness.”

He suffered them: He tolerated them or put up with them.

The wilderness: The purpose of that wilderness experience was to impart faith into them. God wanted them to learn how to trust Him. If what they went through in the wilderness was a blessing to them it was because they trusted God. Those who had a lack of faith, and refused to trust in God, found the wilderness a burden.


Verse 19: “He destroyed the seven nations in the land of Canaan, and He gave an inheritance to them, their land.”

He destroyed: God destroyed them because of their unwillingness to respond to Israel.

Them: The children of Israel


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