CHAPTER 3 | Verses 1-10

Verse 1: “Peter and John went up into the temple to pray. It was the hour of prayer, the ninth hour.”

Into the temple: Peter and John remained in Jerusalem, rather than going back to Galilee, after the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Their lives were changed. They were a part of those who made prayer a consistent priority in their lives. For this, they did not separate themselves from the Jewish community, but were very present within it.

Hour of prayer: In Judaism, on a typical day, prayers are said three times a day.

The ninth hour: Approximately 3:00 in the afternoon. The Hebrew word for this afternoon prayer means “gift”. This prayer, praising God, ‘interrupts’ a person’s day and is seen as a special offering, a gift, to God.

The number 9 speaks of an outcome/result – in this case as a result of their prayer.


Verse 2: “Behold, there was a certain man. He was lame from the womb of his mother. And they set him, each day, at the door of the temple – the one that was called ‘Beautiful’ -to ask alms of those entering the temple.”

Lame from the womb: This man had not lost his ability to walk. He had never been able to walk.

Walking is an important term in Judaism and speaks about a lifestyle. (We find this concept supported in the New Covenant – Colossians 2v6) We can therefore conclude that this man, being lame, did not have a lifestyle that was appropriate/pleasing before God.

Note: Miracles are God’s visual aids. They are, oftentimes, a theological message that give us a greater knowledge of the God who has manifested Himself to us. Not necessarily for the purpose of showing the power of God to us but to relate more information to us.

This Scripture is communicating to us that although we may not be physically lame we are all spiritually lame. We cannot walk with God the way we ought to, and we need the miracle of salvation. One of the signs that point to the ministry of Messiah is that He is going to cause the lame to walk (Isaiah 35v5-6). This was an announcement of the Kingdom of God.

Door: It speaks of an entrance, an opening, or a gate.

‘Beautiful’: This word means ‘fitting’, that which is appropriate. This can be seen prophetically.

This man was not beautiful, fitting, or appropriate, because men should be able to walk. He was the exact opposite of all that that gate represented.

This can teach us that God does not necessarily see how we look/are today, but He sees us in light of His completed workmanship in our lives.


Verse 3: “Behold, Peter and John were about to enter into the temple, and he asked donations (from them).”

Verse 4: “But Peter and John looked very intently at him. Peter spoke and said: ‘Look at us!’.”

But: This word is a conjunction, and means something that is in conflict or in contrast to something else. This lame man was expecting the normal, the routine…BUT….

Looked: The word used here is not the normal one for just noticing someone but is a more intense word. It speaks about gazing intently on someone, scrutinizing, really paying attention.

Look at us!: To be a recipient of the truth of God we need to pay attention.


Verse 5: “And he paid attention to them, expecting to get something from them.”
Expecting to get something: This is a unique situation. This man is not used to people speaking to him and asking him to give them something (in this case, attention), but nothing has changed, and he is still expecting that he will receive from them.


Verse 6: “Peter said: ‘Silver and gold it is not to me, but what I have this to you I give. In the name of Yeshua, the Messiah from Nazareth, rise up and walk.”

Silver and gold: This man was hoping for some type of financial blessing.

This to you I give: Peter and John are going to give him what they possess – the power of reconciling him to God. The person who is reconciled with God is going to walk with Him, live for Him.

In the name of Yeshua: There is an emphasis on the name Yeshua. It is important that we associate a name with Messiah, Yeshua, meaning salvation or Saviour. It is only through Yeshua that we can have salvation. If we do not know His name then we do not have salvation.

Rise up: This word points to resurrection. Resurrection is synonymous with Kingdom. The intent here is for this man to live a Kingdom life. It is a call to change.


Verse 7: “And he took him by his right hand and immediately he was strengthened, his feet and his ankles.”

He was strengthened: His shrivelled, deformed legs were restored supernaturally (by God).


Verse 8: “Jumping, he stood and walked. And he entered with them into the temple, walking and leaping and praising God.”

This miracle parallels our experience spiritually. We were spiritually lame, we could not walk with God, so He healed us – giving us strength to serve Him and to do His will.

He stood and walked: This shows a proper outcome. He received healing and was put back into the order that God originally intended man to be in.

Praising God: Like this man, God has healed us and given us the ability to serve Him. What our attitude should characterize is thanksgiving, in a most visible way.

This man is a divine example or illustration of what we should be doing – noticeably declaring our praise and thanksgiving for the change that God has brought about in our lives.

Verse 9: “All the people saw him walking and praising God.”

Walking: This text emphasises that he walked. The Scripture is telling us that this man began to live in a proper way, living in light of what God had done in his life.


Verse 10: “And they recognized that this was the one that was asking for alms at the Beautiful gate at the temple. They were filled with wonder and astonishment at what had happened to him.”

They recognized: Are we living in a way that others can recognise that the name of Yeshua has brought about a change in our lives? (Matthew 3v8)

At the gate: There is a word change here. Now it does not mean door, like we saw in 3v2. This is a word related to intimacy, to purpose.
What had happened: This word is used in key passages in the Old Testament for an undeniable work of God, a happening (Ruth 2v3 as one example). A happening, in the Bible, is a miracle that restores things back to the divine purposes of God.

Note: What this passage is saying is that the Ministry of Messiah is still with us. He was dead, buried, resurrected, and ascended but His ministry, power and purpose were still available through the ministry of believers. Happenings still happen, and the outcome of these
‘happenings’ should produce a change in how we live and lead us to thanksgiving that God remains among us.


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