CHAPTER 10 - verses 8-13

Verse 8: “I remained by myself, and I looked at this great vision. There was no longer any strength that remained in me. The very essence of myself turned unto me for destruction, and I retained no strength.” 

No longer any strength: Seeing this vision (a vision about what is going to happen in the last days – one of the most difficult times for the Jewish people) emptied Daniel of all his power/energy. 

The very essence of myself: Everything, in a physical sense, that made Daniel who he was. 

Note: Daniel, not physically walking in the reality of this vision, was robbed of all his strength and power by simply witnessing a picture (getting a vision) of the harshness that the end time people will be called to endure. Although the Jewish people are going to suffer greatly at the end (Jeremiah 30:7), there is also going to be a period of time when the church is going to go through a difficult time of intense persecution before we are raptured (Revelation 12:17). 

The Word of Gd is revealing to us that if we are not spiritually prepared or if we rely on our own physical strength, through those difficult times, we are going to fall short. Physically we are not going to be able to walk, to behave, to act in any way because we are going to be robbed of all of our power. 


Verse 9: “I listened to the voice of his words, and as I heard the voice of his words I fell asleep upon my face, with my face towards the ground.” 

I fell asleep: As Daniel was receiving this revelation and hearing the words he could not stay awake because he was overcome by it. 

There is a principle in Judaism which says this: If you cannot handle the little you will certainly not be able to handle the big. If Daniel was overcome by this vision, what is going to happen to those people who are there when the actual events take place? We need to ensure that we are spiritually prepared, and that we have prayed for divine empowering and anointing from the Holy Spirit. 


Verse 10: “And behold a hand touched me, and moved me upon my knees and the palms of my hands.” 

Upon my knees and the palms of my hands: Although Daniel is now awake he is still not in a standing position but in a crawling one – on all fours. 


Verse 11: “And he said to me, ‘Daniel, man greatly beloved, understand the words which I am speaking unto you and stand upon your posts for now I have been sent unto you. As he spoke with me these words I was standing trembling.” 

He: The angel Stand upon your posts: Meaning that Daniel needed to take his place (stand in his position) as there was something that God wanted him to do. Daniel represents Israel here. Israel needs to be empowered for the last days as there is a role that God is needing them to fulfil in those last days (that of being a testimony that manifests the glory of God and the truth of Messiah to others). 

The transition from this age into the age of the Kingdom of God is going to be a difficult transition for the church and, particularly when the church has been raptured, a difficult one for Israel. 


Verse 12: “He said to me, ‘Do not fear Daniel, because from the first day when you set your heart to understand and to afflict yourself before your God your words were heard. I came because of your words.” 

From the first day: As soon as Daniel wanted to hear the meaning of these prophecies the angel had been sent to him. However, the angel had been delayed and had not managed to get to Daniel immediately. It took him a period of time because of the satanic opposition that he had to face. This Scripture is telling us there is indeed satanic opposition, and we cannot overcome it in the flesh (through our own strength or ability). 

Note: Daniel’s testimony here is this: He was so overwhelmed by what he had heard and seen that he fell asleep with his face to the ground. He had no natural strength or ability to stand. When the angel touched him he was given enough strength to get onto his hands and knees (we all know the expression that a child has to crawl before he walks – same thing spiritually). This testimony is teaching us that the way we grow, mature, and find strength to walk with God is through prayer. That is what Daniel was doing – he was praying about what was to come. He desired to know the truth of this vision so that he could be found faithful and so that he could obey. 

Afflict yourself: This probably means that he fasted. Daniel humbled his flesh in order that he might understand the truth of God. 


Verse 13: “But the captain of the kingdom of Persia stood against me for twenty-one days; and behold Michael, one of the chief angels, came to help me. I had been left alone there with the kings of Persia.” 

Captain of the kingdom of Persia: Some would say that this is a reference to satan, some would say a powerful demon or a fallen angel. What we do know is that he is someone who is in opposition to the things of God. 

Stood against me: There was a spiritual battle in the heavens based upon the fact that Daniel, the man of God, was seeking G-dly insight from the prophecy that was given to him. Daniel was wise and humble enough to know that in order to understand this prophecy and apply it to his life he needed to be in prayer. We need to be in prayer about the last days. There is a spiritual enemy, spiritual opposition, and we cannot walk in obedience and mature unless we set our hearts to understand and begin to pray effectively. Through Daniel’s prayer he received angelic assistance. Through our effective prayers we can receive assistance too (Hebrews 1:14, Psalm 91:11-12). 

Angels: Matthew 18:10. There is a great number of angels. God created them because there is a great need for their ministry to humanity.

Persia: Modern day Iran. There is a strong satanic influence in this area. This is going to get worse and is going to spread out at the end.


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