CHAPTER 5 | Verses 1 - 2

Are we fulfilling God’s expectations that He has for us? Is He pleased with us? In Ephesians 2:10 we are told that we are created in Messiah for good works, works which God prepared beforehand (in advance) for us to do. We are not saved by our works, but, once we are saved, good works give testimony of our salvation. As believers, our works are not judged for our eternal destination (i.e. our works do not determine if we go to heaven or to hell), but as believers, our works are judged for reward. If our works are NOT pleasing in God’s
sight, then they are consumed, and we suffer loss – in this age, as well as in the age to come (1 Corinthians 3:12-15). If our works ARE pleasing in God’s sight, then we receive a reward (Many of these rewards are mentioned in Revelation 2 and 3). Do we know what good
works God has created for us to do, and are we doing them?

Isaiah 5 is written as a song or as a poem. God uses songs and poems in the Scripture to convey revelation to His people. Songs and poems help us to more easily remember the important things that He wants to convey to us.

In the Gospels, Yeshua told a parable about a vineyard (Mark 12:1-12). Once this vineyard had been established by the owner, he leased it out and went away to a far country. At the time of the harvest, he had an expectation, but unfortunately those vineyard workers did
not faithfully carry out his expectations. There was a consequence as a result of their disobedience.

In the first section of Isaiah 5 the cause of God’s displeasure is revealed to us (Isaiah 5:1-4). The main cause was due to the fact that His people failed in fulfilling His expectations. The second section of Isaiah 5 (Isaiah 5:5-30) deals primarily with the consequences of this

Verse 1: “I will sing to my Beloved: A song of my Beloved regarding His vineyard: A vineyard was to my Beloved in the horn of Ben Shamen.”

Beloved: This is a term of endearment. We can be assured that God is a God of love. God is the Beloved One and He gives and demonstrates great love to His people. The problem was that the people had not responded to God’s love. There are consequences for not responding to His love (John 3:16-18).

His vineyard: Referring to God’s people (see Isaiah 5:7). God is invested in His people (they are ‘His’).

Horn: A horn speaks of something good e.g. horn of salvation (Psalm 18:2, Psalm 89:24). It refers to something that reflects the blessedness or goodness of God.

Ben Shemen (Literally: Oil): A very rich and fertile location. This was a place of great fruitfulness. God’s covenant people were placed in a fertile location, in a place where God expected much fruit.

Verse 2: “He cultivated it and removed the stones; He planted a fine vine. He built a tower in the midst of it, and He made a winepress in it; He expected it to bring forth grapes, but it produced something worthless.”

Cultivated it: God prepared the land.

Removed the stones: If we want to have a fruitful vineyard not only does the ground need to be softened and broken up, but all the obstacles (rocks, stones etc) have to be removed.

God did this. He prepared His people. He removed those things that would inhibit fruit from being produced.

Fine vine: This was one of the best quality vines that could be had. God spared no expense. He provided the very best for His people – for Judah.

A tower: It was well protected.

He expected it to bring forth grapes: This vineyard had everything it needed to be successful, everything that it needed to fulfil the expectations of the vineyard owner.

Grapes: The first word used for ‘grapes’ refers to normal, useable grapes. These grapes were fitting (appropriate) for producing good wine.

Worthless: There was nothing that could be done with the fruit. It was worthless and as a result was rejected. God’s people, despite having everything they could have desired at their disposal, produced worthless/inferior fruit


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