CHAPTER 7 | Verses 21 - 25
Verse 21: “And it shall come about in that day that a man will have life with the calf of the cattle and with two flocks.”
Note: Victory brings prosperity.
A man will have life: A man will experience life.
The calf of the cattle: Veal (calf meat) is very tender and good to eat. Most people would not eat the veal, however, as it did not make financial sense to do so. If a calf grew up it was a lot larger and therefore there was a lot more meat to eat. A wealthy man did not have to wait for the calf to grow up. Because he was prosperous, he could eat the delicacies of the veal without concern for the financial implications.
Flocks: This is not the word for a sheep but is a word that refers to flocks of sheep.
Note: This verse foreshadows the blessings (the promises of God) that God’s people experience after victory. This is not necessarily prosperity relating to and enjoyed in this earthly kingdom, but it will be enjoyed in the Kingdom of God.
Verse 22: “And it shall come about from the abundance that is made of the milk that he shall eat butter, for butter and honey he will eat – everyone who remains in the midst of the land.”
The abundance that is made of the milk: Milk will be so abundant that there will be enough of it to make butter (enough for luxuries).
Eat butter, for butter and honey he will eat: Repetition shows emphasis. This is tied to the Messianic prophecy read in the verses above and it is informing us that if we have faith, in the One who was born of a virgin, then we are going to enjoy future abundance.
Everyone who remains: Those who have endured.
Verse 23: “And it will come about in that day that it will be in every place a thousand vines worth a thousand pieces of silver will be for thorns and thistles.”
In that day: Although the scholars agree that this is a phrase that refers to the last days it does not mean that all of the prophecy spoken here is for the last days. However, all of this prophecy does have last days implications. It teaches us truth that we will need for the end
A thousand vines worth a thousand pieces of silver will be for thorns and thistles: Very good land is going to be made desolate. This foreshadows the land of Israel becoming desolate. This happened after the destruction of the second temple in 70AD, but this is also going to happen again during the time known as “Jacob’s trouble” (Jeremiah 30:7)
Verse 24: “With arrows and bows he will come there, because all the land will become thorns and thistles.”
Arrows and bows: This is an image of war. The land will be made desolate because of war. Before this time, Israel is going to be like a prosperous fig tree (Luke 21:29-31) but because of their rejection of the antichrist much war is going to take place in the land and it is going to become desolate because of this war.
Verse 25: “And all the mountains which could be cultivated with the hoe, you will not go there for fear of thorns and thistles; but it will become a range for oxen and a place for sheep to trample.”
Note: The land is going to be so bad that no one’s going to come with a hoe and try to cultivate it.
Fear: Speaks of intensity.
A range for oxen and a place for sheep to trample: This not going to be a place that is fit for
human sustenance or habitation. It is going to become a desolation.