Chol HaMoed Pesach

Torah Portion: Chol HaMoed Pesach

Torah Reading: Exodus 33:12-34:26

Prophetic Reading: Ezekiel 37:1-14

Maftir Reading: Numbers 28:19-25


“When God Fulfills His Kingdom Promises Every Believer Will Enter Into the Presence of God”

It is interesting to know that the Shabbat during the Feast of Unleavened Bread and the Shabbat during the Feast of Tabernacles have the same reading. In this passage, Moses is confused. He knows that he is leading the Children of Israel into the Promised Land and he expects with the entrance into the Land that the Kingdom of God will begin.

Obviously, we know that the establishment of the Kingdom is for a later time, the end of this age. Due to Moses’ confusion, he asks the L-rd a question. In the beginning of this passage, he restates his awareness of his primary responsibility to bring up the people out of Egypt and into the Land. Because he is expecting the Kingdom, he asked God, saying “But You have not made known to me Whom You will send with me….”

Because of Moses’ belief that the Kingdom will begin with the entrance into the Promised Land, Whom he is asking for is actually the Messiah. In this discussion, Moses states twice about finding grace in the eyes of God. Therefore, he beseeches God to make known to him ‘Your Way’.

It is most significant that the term ‘way’ refers to the Messiah, as Yeshua is the Way, the Life and the Truth. One also learns, in the book of Acts, that the followers of Yeshua are referred to as ‘the people of The Way.’ (Acts 9:2, 19:9, 19:23, 22:4 and 24:14). As Moses discusses the One Whom God will send, he also speaks of this One as relating to the Presence of God. In Exodus 33:16, it is also this One, i.e. the Messiah, Who will cause the people of Israel to walk with God. One learns that throughout the Bible the term “walk” is related to behavior, in the sense of one’s lifestyle. Therefore, faith in Messiah Yeshua causes the believer to live differently. In fact, Moses says in
this same verse that “I and Your people will be separate from all the people who are upon the face of the earth.” Throughout this section, Moses continues to mention how he is a recipient of God’s grace and the climax of this passage is Moses’ request to see
God’s glory.

There is also a surprising manner in which Moses discusses the people of Israel. At the end of Exodus 33:13, he calls Israel הגוי הזה (this gentile). Although this Hebrew word is frequently translated “gentile” or “nation”, there is a reason why Moses chose it. This word is also found in Exodus 12:2, in the passage speaking of the Abrahamic Covenant.

In Genesis 12:2, God promises, through faith, that Israel will become a great nation/gentile. Normally, there is a hesitancy to use this word in regard to Israel. It is frequently understood as referring to every nation or all the people who are not part of Israel. However, when we look at prophetic passages dealing with Israel being redeemed in the end times, this same word appears. 

The purpose of the use of this word is to inform the reader that God will indeed fulfil His covenantal promise to Abraham. What we learn from Moses in this significant passage is that it is through the Messiah and the grace that His work will make available, not just to the Jewish people, but to all people, that one can fully receive the promises of the Abrahamic covenant.

Again, the climax of this portion of Scripture is Moses experiencing the glory of God. The reader should not conclude that such a wonderful experience is reserved only for Moses. But, when God fulfils His Kingdom promises, every believer, through the work
Yeshua did on Passover, will also enter into the presence of God. All believers will experience His glory, for this is one of the greatest results of our Kingdom Hope, which the Abrahamic covenant reveals.

Dr. Baruch Korman – April 26th, 2024 


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