Shemot - (Names)

Torah Portion: Shemot (Names)

Torah Reading: Exodus 1:1-6:1

Prophetic Reading: Isaiah 27:6-28:13, 29:22-23

“We Ought to Apply the Same Principles to Our Life That Brought About Blessing in Another’s Life”

How do you respond when you see other people being blessed? Often the success of other people causes those around them to be envious. First, there is nothing wrong with wanting to be blessed too. The problem is this: instead of applying the same principles
that brought about the blessings in those other people’s lives, individuals attempt to stop those blessings from continuing. A good example of this is the Egyptians.

In this week’s Torah reading, it is clear that HaShem was blessing the Hebrews in their dwelling place in Egypt, Goshen. The Hebrews grew and multiplied and became a strong people in a relatively short period of time. The Egyptians saw this and instead of coming before the Hebrews and asking what was the source of this blessing and implementing the answer into their lives, what was their response? 

Their response was malice and to enslave the Hebrews and attempt to exterminate them by killing all their male offspring.

There is something very similar taking place today. The tiny nation of Israel, only 65 years old, has grown and advanced in a manner that far surpasses its neighbors. The success story of the modern nation of Israel is truly a sign of God’s continued call upon the Jewish people. Instead of the other nations taking note of this, there is an utter complicity in regard to those who are calling for Israel’s destruction.

The prophet Malachi, 2,400 years ago, described an attitude that will surely bring about the judgment of God.

“You have wearied HaShem with your words; yet you have said, “With what have we wearied (You)? (HaShem answers) When you say, “All who do evil (in reality do) good in the eyes of the L-rd and what He desires; or (when you say) where is the God of Jjudgment?”   Malachi 2:17

Although the actual meaning of the Hebrew verb is to weary someone, in this context the idea which is being expressed is one of contempt. HaShem will have contempt for those individuals who call evil good or doubts that God will judge sin.  Prophetically, Iran
will play an important role in the future, as this nation will lead other nations to attack Israel (See Daniel chapter 8).  But Iran will not be successful.

Be aware that this war will not be the final conflict; rather, it will only serve to bring the Antichrist into power and set
things up for the end times. History has a way of repeating itself, yet many ignore the numerous examples of what has happened to those nations which have attacked Israel in the past. Will the United States of America also join that illustrious list?

Dr. Baruch Korman – January 5th, 2024 


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